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There's a budding author inside all of us...

We are delighted to be offering you a fresh perspective on publishing and promoting your work: you can now reach your audience through the library of Upbility. We are interested in working with academics, mental health therapists, educators and professionals working in the field of special education and children's skills development.


Our collaboration proposal involves the production and publication of specialised diagnosis and intervention material in Printed and eBook format. We are looking for innovative material that can cater to the needs of modern professionals. Our aim is to publish a selective number of scientifically outstanding works. We are particularly interested in works containing worksheets, diagnostic tools, intervention methods, educational manuals, specialised teaching material and so on. 

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"We can make a difference" "Throughout my professional career, I can recall myself organising and enriching my therapy material day after day, drawing on my experience but also on the challenges I was faced with along the way. One thing is for certain...as a therapist, I will never rest on my laurels and say that my material is complete!! This philosophy is the driving power behind Upbility.net. We are committed to continuously providing innovative, well-structured and expert quality therapy material that can be accessed and used by therapists and educators with the greatest of ease."


-Alice Kassotaki - Speech Language Pathologist


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