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LANGUAGE PROCESSING SKILLS | Enhancing Comprehension

Several children with learning disabilities suffer from a Language Processing Disorder which significantly impedes their learning and motivation. One of the key aspects of a Language Processing Disorder is a difficulty in accurately comprehending and interpreting spoken information and a particularly low language processing speed. This resource provides you with a structured set of graded, full-colour worksheets to address your students’ receptive language deficits in an engaging and interactive manner.


Book format

Explore our enriching educational resources on Amazon, available in both paperback and Kindle editions.


Language Processing Disorder

Age Group : 3-8 years

The book features a ready-to-use set of multi-step tasks that progressively become more challenging, thus enabling speech pathologists, special educators and SEN teachers to respond to their students’ individual needs and ability levels more effectively. The full-colour pictures on the worksheets are sure to spark your learners’ interest and motivation.

Laid-out in a genuinely user-friendly format the worksheets of the book are ideal for tablet use. They can also be easily printed out and flexibly used with a wide variety of learners

The activities comprise 4 levels of difficulty and provide extensive practice on a wide range of concepts including: sizes, colours, shapes, numbers, adjectives, prepositions, local expressions, temporal expressions, hypothetical expressions and conjunctions. These concepts are combined in a number of different ways to make up both simple and more sophisticated tasks.

Children with Language Processing deficits find themselves at a worryingly disadvantaged position at school, when compared to their peers. Using the resources of the Language Processing Skills series, you can provide them with the structured and enjoyable activities they need to overcome the comprehension difficulties that take away their confidence and learning motivation.

You may also be interested  in the book "PROCESSING SPEED | Improving Performance Strategies".


  • Book format
    Paper or PDF file
  • SKU
  • Age
  • Number of pages
  • Dimensions
    8.27 x 11.69 inches
  • Author
    Collective Work – Upbility
  • Pagination
    Collective Work – Upbility
  • Translation & Proofreading
    Sofia Natsa
  • Year of publication



  • A theoretical framework section including an introduction to Language Processing and intervention ideas
  • 120 worksheets aimed at enhancing comprehension skills
  • 600 instructions for students to decode and follow, ranging from simple to complicated ones
  • A Progress Assessment Form to systematically monitor and assess your students’ progress.




Collective Work – Upbility

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Heeradevi S.
LANGUAGE PROCESSING SKILLS | Enhancing Comprehension

Extremely useful for my 6 yo boy. He had speech delay and difficulty in comprehending. Now he is far better. He is able to process and speak and reply to others questions

Hilary N.
Functional for adults and children

Great product for comprehension with many levels and abstract skills for focused listening. Unique content with targeted skills are excellent for all levels. Using this is an outpatient hospital setting with ages 18+ and it has added a fun and creative task way beyond a typical worksheet. Love the option to send home worksheets or use on my ipad. Another great product that I have been able to transition to adult care despite it's youth intention! Thanks and keep them coming!!!

Rachel G.
Building comprehension in descriptive markers and step approach

Great resource with clear pictures and quantifiable extension of listening to directions .Evaluation pre-test and progress tool is also useful

Anne B.
Good base material

I am a parent of an autistic child. This e-book is my basis of starting point with giving him speech therapy at home. It is very easy to follow, and the instructions are clear.

Liberty G.
Liberty G

Great resource. This is a very well thought out therapy tool.

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