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Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD


Attention deficit disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders in childhood, affecting children's concentration, attention and behaviour. The disorder can cause problems in children's education, social relationships and family life. However, when properly identified and treated, children with disruption can lead rich and successful lives 

What is ADHD 

ADHD is a disorder that affects children's concentration, attention and behaviour. Children with distraction are often overactive and helpless, have difficulty concentrating on an activity and are prone to unpredictable behaviors. Most of these usually appear from a very young age and continue throughout life. ADHD is not a disease, but a disorder that can be treated with the help of the medical community, education and family.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder officially recognized by the World Health Organization and affects many individuals in the country. Although there are no official data on the prevalence of ADHD in every state, it is estimated that approximately 3% to 5% of children worldwide are diagnosed with the disorder.

 Causes of ADHD 


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) does not have a single cause, but instead, it is a multifactorial disorder affected by many different factors. Some of the common causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include: 

Genetic factors: 

It is primarily transmitted genetically, with people who have a family history being more likely to develop it.

Exogenous factors: 

It can be associated with exogenous factors, such as exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy or the use of certain medications during childhood. 

Pregnancy and childbirth: 

Scientific research has shown that fetal exposure to certain substances or lack of certain nutrients during pregnancy may increase the risk of the disorder. In addition, premature birth may be associated with the development of ADHD in the child.

Conditions of childhood: 

In addition, the conditions of childhood can influence the development of the disorder. Depressive conditions, lack of social support and difficulties in school life may increase the risk of developing the disorder.

It is important to note that it is not due to a lack or deficit of willpower or an inability to concentrate. Rather, it is caused by a variety of biological, genetic and environmental factors that affect brain function. 

Symptoms of attention deficit disorder 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects a person's behaviour and ability to focus and control their behaviour. The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can present differently depending on the age and gender of the individual, and the severity of the disorder. Some of the most common symptoms include: 

  1. Lack of attention: People with distraction may find it difficult to maintain attention for long periods of time, focus on an activity and complete their work.
  2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: People can be overly energetic and impatient, with the need to constantly move and change position. 
  3. They make careless mistakes: People may have difficulty paying attention to details and discerning what is important, which can affect their ability to complete assignments or attend a class in school.
  4. Reluctance: Individuals may have difficulty starting an activity or task and demonstrate reluctance to commit to their responsibilities.
  5. Difficulty in managing time: People may find it difficult to organise their time, fit activities into the time available and finish tasks on time.
  6. Difficulty in perceiving the social environment: people may have difficulties in perceiving the social environment, recognising emotions and signals sent by other people.
  7. Loss of stamina: Individuals may lose stamina very quickly and become affected by fatigue, which can affect their ability to complete an activity or task.  

In addition, ADHD can also affect the psychological state of the people who experience it. In particular, people with ADHD may experience low self-esteem, depression and social exclusion, as the disorder may affect their ability to participate in social and school activities.

It is important to note that the above symptoms may present in varying degrees in each individual and that children with ADHD may have more symptoms than adults with ADHD. 

 Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD 


 The assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is done through extensive evaluation by experts in psychiatry and psychology. Specifically, healthcare professionals will interview the patient, assess their symptoms and perform clinical tests to evaluate the executive function of the brain and their ability to focus and control their behavior.

Health professionals will also look at the patient's health history and parents, as well as conditions during pregnancy and birth. Diagnosing ADHD can be difficult, as the symptoms of ADHD can be similar to other psychiatric and psychological disorders.

Treatment of ADHD usually involves the use of medication and psychotherapy. It is important to note that patients on medication should be closely monitored by health professionals.

Psychotherapy can also help manage the disorder. Counselling and behavioural therapy can help the patient cope with the symptoms of ADHD and improve their communication skills and relationships with other people. Psychotherapy can also help the patient manage the anxiety and stress that ADHD Y may cause. 

 In addition, health professionals can provide advice on ways to manage ADHD.This advice includes maintaining a consistent routine and a regular sleep schedule, using a daily agenda to organise their time and using methods to improve their concentration and productivity.

In addition, diet and exercise can help manage ADHD. ADHD patients should eat a balanced diet and avoid foods high in sugar and foods high in artificial colours and preservatives. Exercise can improve the patient's mood and energy and improve concentration and attention.

Overall, diagnosing and treating the disorder can significantly improve the quality of life of patients with ADHD hyperactivity. Healthcare professionals can provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment and help patients cope with ADHD. However, it is important to note that ADHD combined type is a long-term disorder and its treatment requires patience and commitment from the patient and healthcare professionals.

Also, support from family and friends can help the patient cope with ADHD and improve their quality of life. Families and friends can help patients establish a stable routine and provide support during their treatment.  

How we can help our children with ADHD 

Children with ADHD may have difficulties in schooling, daily life and social relationships. However, there are some steps that can be taken to help children with ADHD hyperactivity develop the skills and tools they need to cope with this disorder.

Here are some specific things that can help:

  • Set clear boundaries and routines: Children need a consistent routine and clear boundaries to feel safe and stable. Establish clear times for sleeping, eating, schooling and activities.
  • Organize the environment: children need a clean and organized environment to be able to concentrate and work on schoolwork. Reduce noise and distractions in the environment and organize toys and books.
  • Use understanding and communication: children need understanding and support. Talk to your child about the disorder and provide the support they need. Listen to your child and show them that you understand their problems.
  • Strengthen social interaction skills: Children may have difficulties with social interactions. Help your child develop his social contact skills with frequency and consistency. You can help him develop his skills in communication, autonomy and creative thinking.
  • Encourage participation in activities: Children need activities and sports to develop their physical skills and consume their energy. Encourage your child to participate in activities that interest them, such as sports, music, art and games.
  • Work with the school: It is important to work with your child's school and keep teachers informed about the child's disorder. You can work with the teachers to create a plan to help the child develop skills and address their difficulties in school.
  • Seek professional help: professional help can help your child develop skills and cope with his or her disorder. Health professionals, such as child psychiatrists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and psychologists, can help your child develop his skills, boost his self-esteem and improve his relationship with his environment. 

 The challenges of the ADHD in everyday life 

adhd-challenges adhd 

 ADHD can affect the daily lives of people with ADHD in many areas. Here are some of the challenges that people with ADHD may face:

School performance: 

Many children with ADHD experience difficulties in schooling. They may find it difficult to concentrate and absorb information. This can lead to reduced school performance and lower self-esteem.

Daily activities:

People with ADHD may find it difficult to organise their time and plan their activities. This can lead to delays and stress.

Social relationships:

People with ADHD may have difficulty in communication and social relationships. This can lead to isolation and lower self-esteem.

Family relationships:

ADHD can affect family relationships. Parents and siblings may have difficulty communicating and understanding the problem, which can lead to conflict and difficulties in relationships.

Adjustment to the environment:

People with ADHD may have difficulty adapting to their environment, including participating in social activities and solving problems of daily living.

Stress and anxiety: 

People with ADHD may experience increased stress and anxiety due to the difficulties they face on a daily basis.

Overall, ADHD can affect many areas of daily life. It is important to be aware of the disorder and provide appropriate support and treatment to help people with ADHD Y overcome their difficulties and live a successful and balanced life. 


adult ADHD

ADHD is not just a disorder that affects children and adolescents. It can also affect adults and seriously disrupt their daily lives.

ADHD in adulthood may manifest differently from ADHD in children. Adults with ADHD may have difficulties maintaining attention, concentrating and organising their activities. It can also affect their perception, memory and multitasking at the same time.

Adults with ADHD may also experience difficulties in their social relationships and the way they interact with other people. They may have difficulties in organising and problem solving and usually experience high levels of stress and anxiety.

Adults with ADHD may receive treatment and benefit from the use of medication, psychotherapy and support from other specialists such as anti-addiction therapists or social work counsellors. Adults with ADHD can also improve their organisation and time management skills and develop strategies to help them cope with their difficulties.

In addition, adults with ADHD can be helped with the support of those around them, including partners, friends and family. Understanding and being informed about strategies that can help manage the disorder can be very helpful in providing support to adults with ADHD. 


 Medication and ADHD 

Medication can help manage the symptoms of ADHD and improve the quality of life of people with ADHD. There are several medications used to treat ADHD, although there is no single medication that treats all symptoms of the disorder.

The main medications used to treat ADHD are stamulant medications, such as methylphenidate and amphetamine, as well as antidepressant medications, such as venlafaxine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

The decision to use medication for ADHD should always be made in consultation with the doctor, who will assess the symptoms, their severity and the patient's history before deciding on the appropriate medication.

It is important to take the medication according to the doctor's instructions and to closely monitor the progression of your ADHD and symptoms during treatment. It is also important not to stop taking the medication abruptly, but to follow the doctor's instructions on how to gradually reduce the dose or how to stop taking the medication.

In addition, medication can be combined with other treatments, such as psychotherapy, support from support groups and choosing the right lifestyle and stress management. Combined treatment can help improve quality of life and manage ADHD symptoms. 

Emotional instability

Emotional instability is often a concomitant disorder in ADHD. This instability can manifest as a combination of reactions of anger, sadness, sensitivity and insecurity. People with ADHD Y may face challenges in their daily activities due to this instability.

It can affect their relationships with the people around them, as well as the way they react to different situations. In some cases, it can lead to depressive symptoms and other mental health problems.

It can be treated through combination therapy, which may include medication, psychotherapy and other management strategies. Psychotherapy can help in understanding the emotions and behaviour and this instability and in developing strategies to deal with it.

Stress management strategies, such as exercise and reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption, can also help to address emotional instability. In addition, establishing a daily routine and adapting it to lifestyle can help address emotional instability and improve the quality of life of people with ADHD.

Overall, it is a concomitant disorder of ADHD that can seriously affect the daily lives of individuals with ADHD. Combination therapy, stress management and the establishment of a daily routine can help to address emotional instability and improve the quality of life of people with ADHD. 



ADHD is a common disorder in childhood, affecting concentration, attention and behaviour. ADHD is not a disease, but a disorder that can be treated with the help of the medical community, education and family. Parents play a key role in managing their child's attention deficit disorder and can help their child develop better social skills, control their behaviour and focus better. With proper diagnosis and treatment, children with ADHD can achieve their goals and develop better social and school skills.

It is important to realize that ADHD is not just a behavioral disorder, but a condition that affects brain function and a person's ability to control his or her behavior. Prevention of ADHD includes healthy eating, exercise, good sleep hygiene and avoiding exposure to electronic media as much as possible. Parents can also help their children develop good habits such as organization and independence.

copyright Upbility 2022 

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