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Top tips on how to improve your self-esteem

Top tips on how to improve your self-esteem

Feeling dissatisfied with yourself? Improving your self-esteem is crucial to your well-being. In this article, we'll explore ‘how to improve your self-esteem’ with practical tips and strategies you can start implementing today.

Key Points

  • Understanding self-esteem and its influence on our quality of life is essential to improving our mental and emotional health.
  • Identifying and recognising the symptoms of low self-esteem is a crucial first step in addressing it and starting to work on improving it.
  • Applying evidence-based techniques such as self-compassion, accepting strengths and weaknesses, and maintaining a positive mindset can significantly increase self-esteem and overall well-being.

Understanding self-esteem

improve your self-esteem

Self-esteem is the way we judge and evaluate ourselves, and is the set of beliefs and appraisals we have about ourselves. It is a set of perceptions, thoughts, evaluations, feelings and behavioural tendencies directed towards oneself. This concept, although seemingly simple, has significant depth and varies according to the psychological paradigm that addresses it, be it humanistic psychology, psychoanalysis or behaviourism.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow, known for his hierarchy of needs theory, identified self-esteem as an essential human need. Maslow divided it into two aspects: self-esteem and the respect one receives from others. In other words, it is not only important how we see ourselves, but also how others perceive us. This duality is key to understanding why self-esteem plays such a crucial role in our lives.

Understanding this concept allows us to recognise its influence on our quality of life. Self-esteem affects how we feel and how we act. High self-esteem gives us confidence and allows us to face challenges with a positive attitude, while low self-esteem can limit us and lead to a cycle of negative thinking and self-destructive behaviour. Improving self-esteem is therefore not only desirable, but also essential for our mental and emotional health.

How to identify low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is characterised by a negative view of oneself that can limit daily life. Common symptoms include self-critical behaviours, unfair comparisons with others and a constant fear of failure. These signals are like internal alarms that tell us that something is wrong with our self-perception and that we need to make a change.

People with low self-esteem tend to:

  • Anticipate failure and do not strive to achieve what they want because they believe they are not capable of achieving it.
  • Show fear of expressing opinions.
  • Constantly need the approval of others.
  • Getting into a vicious circle where self-criticism and negative comparison perpetuate the feeling of inadequacy.

In addition, constantly comparing oneself to others and wishing to be like them is a clear symptom of low self-esteem. This behaviour is not only unfair to oneself, but can also be extremely damaging, as it perpetuates the idea that we are never good enough. Identifying these symptoms is a crucial first step to start working on improving your self-esteem.

Techniques to improve your self-esteem

Improving self-esteem requires consistency and following advice based on scientific evidence. There is no magic bullet; each person must work on their self-esteem on an ongoing basis.

Below, we will explore several techniques that can help you along the way; once you find the source of your low self-esteem, you can replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Find the source of your low self-esteem

improve your self-esteem

Recognising the origin and evolution of self-esteem allows us to understand its influence on our perceptions and evaluations of ourselves. Reflecting on past experiences can be a powerful tool for understanding why we have low self-esteem. Were there times in your life that made you feel less valuable?Situations where you felt you were not enough?

Carl Rogers, a leading humanistic psychologist, believed that many personal problems arise from self-loathing and considering oneself unworthy of love. Attribution is important in understanding how self-esteem is formed. It plays a fundamental role in this internal process. For example, when we believe we have passed an exam by luck, we attribute success to external factors, whereas if we believe we have succeeded because of our effort, we attribute success to internal factors. These attributions can influence our perception of achievement and the factor that determines our self-esteem. Such reflections can help you identify patterns of thinking that undermine your self-esteem.

Low self-esteem can make people easily demotivated and find it difficult to finish what they start. Recognising these patterns and understanding their origin is the first step to breaking the cycle and starting to build a healthier self-esteem. Reflect on your past, identify those key moments and work on reinterpreting them so that you can see your true value.

Accept your strengths and weaknesses

Recognising and valuing your strengths can increase your confidence. It is crucial to identify your true strengths in order to build your self-esteem. Thinking about your strengths before an exam, for example, can help you get better grades because you feel more confident in your abilities. This exercise is not only useful in academic situations, but in any aspect of life.

Accepting your weaknesses is equally important. We all have areas in which we are not so strong, and that's okay. Remembering that perfection is not a requirement for personal worth can relieve a lot of unnecessary pressure. It is helpful to mentally review your list of strengths at times when you feel judged or questioned. Remembering where they come from is a way to keep you confident in yourself. This practice can be a powerful tool for maintaining a balanced perception of yourself.

Accepting both your strengths and weaknesses allows you to have a more realistic and compassionate view of who you are. It is not about ignoring your weaknesses, but acknowledging them without them defining your overall worth. This acceptance is fundamental to building a strong and healthy self-esteem.

improve your self-esteem

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones

The human mind is programmed to value the negative more than the positive. Acknowledging the emotion you are feeling can reduce its impact. Practising the scientifically proven process of acceptance and commitment is an effective technique for overcoming negative beliefs.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) promotes acceptance of inner experiences and connection to personal values, which can help overcome negative thoughts. ACT uses mindfulness techniques to cultivate mindful awareness of the present moment, facilitating an effective response to difficult situations. This practice is not about ignoring negative thoughts, but about acknowledging them and letting them go.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is an ongoing process. It is not something that is achieved overnight, but with practice and consistency, it is possible to change the way we see ourselves and the world around us. This change in perspective can have a profound impact on our self-esteem and overall well-being.

Practical strategies for increasing confidence

Increasing self-confidence is a crucial step in knowing how to improve self-esteem. Setting achievable goals, practising self-compassion and adopting empowering postures are practical strategies that can help you feel more confident and capable.

Set realistic and achievable goals

Setting achievable goals and learning from failures without blame is key to improving self-esteem. Breaking big goals into smaller, more specific tasks can make goals more manageable and achievable. Celebrate each small success in achieving a specific goal to build confidence gradually.

As you gain knowledge and experience, your confidence in your abilities also increases. Setting realistic goals gives you a clear roadmap and allows you to measure your results, which can be very motivating and boost your self-esteem.

improve your self-esteem

Practice self-compassion

Self-compassion involves accepting your imperfections and treating yourself with kindness and understanding, which can have benefits such as a better immune system and healthier social relationships. Develop self-compassion by talking to yourself as you would to a friend who is having a hard time.

Being kind to yourself can help you to:

  • See challenges as opportunities and overcome feelings of guilt.
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes, which is crucial to developing a positive attitude towards yourself.
  • Change your relationship with yourself and significantly improve your self-esteem.

Use power postures

Changing your body posture can influence your confidence and self-perception through chemical responses in the body. Adopting expansive body postures, such as holding your arms away from your body or moving your torso forward, can increase testosterone and reduce cortisol, which improves self-confidence in as little as two minutes.

Power poses can improve self-confidence quickly. These techniques are simple but effective and can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.

When faced with challenging situations, remember to adopt a power pose to feel more confident and capable.

Take care of your emotional and physical well-being

Your emotional and physical well-being are key to improving self-esteem. Connecting with positive people, engaging in self-care activities and maintaining healthy habits are key to feeling good about yourself and others.

Exercise regularly

Taking care of your body and mind through exercise, good nutrition and sleep is key. Regular exercise can improve mood by increasing brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. In addition, regular physical activity helps boost confidence and improve self-esteem by making you feel better about the way you look.

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine not only improves your physical health, but also your emotional well-being. Although it may be challenging at first, the long-term benefits are immense and will help you maintain a healthy self-esteem.

Surround yourself with supportive people

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people to improve your self-esteem. These people can offer positive reinforcement and emotional support during difficult times. Setting boundaries with toxic people is essential to protect your emotional well-being and self-esteem.

Fostering reciprocal relationships where both parties support each other is crucial for positive personal development. Significant others, such as a partner, have a great influence on your self-perception, so it is vital to choose carefully who you allow into your life.

Make time for self-care

improve your self-esteem

Incorporating self-care activities into your daily routine can significantly improve your emotional well-being. Self-care includes not only physical, but also mental and emotional activities, such as meditation and reading. Self-care routines can include activities such as meditation, taking a relaxing bath or reading a book to promote emotional well-being.

Reflecting on your use of social media can improve your self-compassion by reducing the tendency to compare yourself negatively with others. Spending time on self-care allows you to reconnect with yourself and improve your self-esteem significantly.

Shift your focus to others

Focusing on helping others can have beneficial effects on self-esteem. This focus not only diverts attention away from personal problems, but also promotes a better self-perception. In addition, helping others generates a sense of purpose and personal value, which contributes to higher self-esteem.

Think less about yourself and more about others.

Participating in volunteer activities can help:

  • Divert attention away from one's own worries
  • Encourage a more positive mindset
  • Decrease feelings of loneliness
  • Increase your sense of social connectedness
  • Improve your emotional state
  • Give a sense of purpose and belonging

Contributing positively to the lives of others can create a sense of purpose, helping to raise personal self-esteem. Each small act of kindness not only benefits others, but also reinforces your perception of yourself as a valuable person capable of making a difference.

Value your contributions

Acknowledging your contributions to the lives of others can strengthen your self-confidence and sense of usefulness. Identifying your acts of kindness and support for others reinforces your perception of your own value and capabilities. This practice not only improves your self-esteem, but also motivates you to continue to contribute positively.

Being aware of the positive impact you have on others can increase your sense of purpose and personal satisfaction, as well as the consequences of your actions. Reflect on your contributions and allow these positive thoughts to strengthen your self-confidence and self-perception.

Maintain a positive mindset for the long term

Practising positive thinking can have a profound impact on your quality of life. Dealing with unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way can:

  • Increase life expectancy
  • Reduce rates of depression
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Increase resilience to adverse situations.

Maintaining a positive mindset is an ongoing process that can be cultivated with time and practice.

Reflect on your daily achievements

Recognising and celebrating small daily achievements helps to improve self-esteem and maintain an optimistic outlook. Focusing on what you have done well each day, no matter how small, reinforces a positive and constructive attitude. This daily gratitude exercise can help you feel happier and more self-confident, so it is important to tell yourself ‘thank you very much’ for those achievements.

Practising gratitude contributes to a more positive self-perception. Recounting your daily achievements, even the smallest ones, can foster a positive and resilient attitude. This habit not only improves your self-esteem, but also helps you maintain a positive mindset in the long run.

Continue to learn and grow

Staying open to new experiences and knowledge fosters personal and professional growth. Actively seeking opportunities to learn and improve, such as courses or workshops, contributes to continuous development. This constant learning keeps you relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing world.

Setting clear learning goals can keep you focused and motivated in your personal and professional growth. The knowledge gained not only expands your opportunities, but also boosts your self-esteem by demonstrating that you are capable of achieving new goals and overcoming challenges.


In summary, improving self-esteem is an ongoing process that requires perseverance and dedication. From understanding what self-esteem is and how to identify low self-esteem, to applying practical techniques and strategies to increase confidence, each step is crucial to building healthy self-esteem. Taking care of your emotional and physical well-being, changing your approach to others and maintaining a positive mindset for the long term are essential components in this journey. Remember that every little effort counts and that the road to better self-esteem is an investment in your quality of life - keep going and don't give up!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the set of beliefs and assessments we have about ourselves, and reflects the way we judge and evaluate ourselves.

What are the symptoms of low self-esteem?

Symptoms of low self-esteem include self-critical behaviours, unfair comparisons with others and fear of failure. These symptoms can significantly affect a person's quality of life.

How can I find the source of my low self-esteem?

To find the source of your low self-esteem, it is important to reflect on past experiences and understand the internal and external attributions you have made. This will allow you to identify the underlying causes of your low self-esteem.

What techniques can I use to improve my self-esteem?

You can improve your self-esteem by recognising and valuing your strengths, accepting your weaknesses and practising acceptance and commitment to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Why is it important to practice self-compassion?

It is important to practice self-compassion because it can reduce anxiety and depression, improve the immune system and strengthen social relationships. Don't underestimate the power of treating yourself with kindness and understanding!


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