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10 things you didn't know about left-handed people


In each group of ten people, you will probably find one person who uses his left hand more. It is the hallmark of the 10% - the left-handed, a fascinating group with a fascinating history and unique characteristics. Let's take a dive into the world of left-handers, busting myths and learning some interesting, and sometimes amusing, facts along the way.

1. The origins and history of left-handedness

left-handed people Throughout history, left-handedness has often been viewed with suspicion and negativity. This was reflected in the language, with the Latin word for left, "sinistra", giving "sinister". However, science today tells us that left-handedness is most likely the result of complex interactions between genetics and environment. A study conducted by the University of Oxford in 2019 found that genes related to brain structure and development can influence which hand a person prefers to use.

2. The unique brain structure of left-handed people

The discrepancy between left-handed and right-handed people extends to brain structure. Neurological research shows that left-handed people have a larger corpus callosum, the part of the brain that facilitates communication between the two hemispheres. This can lead to advantages in tasks that require multitasking and cognitive flexibility.

3. Left-handedness and creativity

There is a stereotype that left-handed people are more creative, and research offers some credence to this. A study published in the American Journal of Psychology found that left-handers are better at divergent thinking, a type of creative thinking that generates new ideas. This could explain the unusual number of left-handed luminaries, such as Jimmy Hendrix, Mark Twain, and even Simpsons creator Matt Graying.

4. The athletic advantage of being left-handed

left-handed people Left-handed players often have a strategic advantage in sports, especially in one-on-one games. Their opponents are usually less familiar with their style, giving lefties an advantage. A 2006 French study showed that left-handers are overrepresented in interactive sports such as tennis, boxing and baseball. Famous left-handers include Babe Ruth, Martina Navratilova and, of course, Rocky Balboa!

5. Left-handedness and health

Health research related to left-handedness can be a mixed bag. While some studies link left-handedness to higher rates of certain conditions like ADHD and dyslexia, others show that left-handed people have a lower risk of ulcers and arthritis, according to Harvard Health Publishing. They also recover faster from strokes, possibly due to a more balanced distribution of cognitive functions in their brains

6. The challenges faced by left-handed people in a right-handed world

Despite their potential for creativity and athleticism, left-handed people navigate a world largely designed for right-handed people. From scissors and spiral notebooks to credit card machines, many everyday tools present a challenge. It's not all bad though - a funny truth is that left-handed people are less likely to get lost, thanks to better spatial awareness!

7. Left-handedness and learning

While some old myths suggest that left-handed people may struggle academically, modern research refutes this. A comprehensive study from the University of Bristol found no significant difference in cognitive abilities between left-handed and right-handed people. Interestingly, another amusing fact, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, is that left-handed college graduates become 26% richer than their right-handed peers.

8. Left-handed US presidents

The White House has seen more than its fair share of left-handed occupants. Of the last 15 U.S. presidents, seven have been left-handed. -handed, including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. A study from the Journal of Mental and Nervous Disease shows that left-handers have an advantage in "divergent thinking," a form of creativity that involves generating new ideas from a single authority quickly and efficiently. This could explain the high number of left-handed leaders, although more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

9. International Left-Handed Day

left-handed people On 13 August, left-handed people around the world unite to celebrate International Left-Handed Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by left-handed people in a predominantly right-handed world. The celebration often includes fun activities such as left-handed vs. right-handed sports games, left-handed parties, and even encouraging right-handed people to live as left-handed people for a day.

10. Left-handedness and sleep patterns

An interesting and lesser known fact about left-handed people concerns their sleep patterns. Research suggests that left-handers may be more prone to periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), a condition characterized by repetitive movements of the limbs during sleep, particularly the legs. A study published in the journal Sleep found that left-handed people were more likely than their right-handed counterparts to experience these symptoms. This unique link between handedness and sleep patterns is still a topic of ongoing research and continues to add to the fascinating complexity of understanding left-handed individuals.

Funny situations with left-handed people

left-handed peopleThe handshake butterfly effect:

Have you ever had an awkward handshake where you didn't know which hand to use or where to place it? Chances are you shook hands with a lefty! Left-handed people, living in a right-handed world, often shake hands with their dominant hand out of habit, leading to some amused and confused expressions.

The lefty's dinner dilemma:

For left-handers, moving around the dinner table can sometimes feel like a strategic game. Most tables are designed for right-handed diners, from the placement of the glass to the arrangement of cutlery. This often leads to hilarious "elbow wars" with their right-handed neighbors. So if you've ever found yourself inexplicably shoving your neighbor at the table, it may be because you're sitting next to a left-handed person!


Left-handed people, although a minority, offer a unique perspective to our world. They challenge norms and bring diversity to every field, from art and sports to leadership and academia. They show us that being different can be a strength, not a weakness. The next time you see someone writing with their left hand or swinging a baseball bat with their left, remember that they are part of a unique group that is shaping history and culture in ways you may not have realized.

Being left-handed isn't just about using a different hand. It's about seeing and interacting with the world in a unique way. Whether they are creating a masterpiece, scoring the winning point, or leading a nation, left-handers leave their mark on the world. So here's to left-handers - may they continue to bring diversity, creativity and a dose of the unexpected into our lives.

Original content from the Upbility writing team. Reproduction of this article, in whole or in part, without credit to the publisher is prohibited.

    1 comment

    An old lefty growing up with 4 siblings and parents all right handed it wasn’t fun. The sisters said, the milk man left you, your not like us. It was hard growing up. I tried real hard to use my right hand .

    Sandra Parker Meeker,

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